Saturday, August 23, 2014

One page Medical Practice Emergency Clinical Protocols


1.                 Cardiopulmonary Arrest
a)     Begin Basic Life Support
b)     Call 911
c)      AED
2.                 Chest Pain
a)     Obtain EKG and include O2 saturation with vitals
b)     Contact 911 for transport
c)      Begin supplemental oxygen at 2L
d)     Administer aspirin 325 mg chewed
e)     Consider sublingual nitroglycerin
3.                 Respiratory Distress
a)     Obtain respiratory rate and pulse oximetry
b)     Consider use of supplemental oxygen at 2L
c)      Consider nebulized Albuterol and/or Duoneb, up to 3 treatments
d)     Consider administering IM steroid if not significantly improved after one nebulizer treatment
e)     Consider 911 for transport
4.                 Anaphylaxis
a)     Epinephrine:  attempt to administer near site of initial insult
                                                        i.            Adult or child 12 years or older…………….0.3 mL to 0.5 mL IM
                                                      ii.            Child 5-12 years old………………………...0.3 mL IM
                                                    iii.            Child 2-5 years old………………………….0.2 mL IM
                                                    iv.            Child 0-2 years old………………………….0.1 mL IM
b)     Benadryl:  for urticaria, itching, angioedema
                                                        i.            Adult or child 12 years of older……………..50-100 mg po or IM
                                                      ii.            Child 6-11 years old…………………………12.5-50 mg po or IM
                                                    iii.            Child 2-5 years old……………………1.5mg/kg per dose po or IM
c)      IM Steroids:  consider use to prevent delayed reaction
d)     Nebulized Albuterol:  consider if significant bronchospasm
e)     After stabilization:  911 transport to ER for observation
5.                  Stroke:  911 transport immediatelty
6.                  Poisoning or envenomation:  contact poison control 1-800-222-1222
7.                  Trauma:  stabilize and transport
8.                  Eye exposure:  consider eye wash and specialist or ER evaluation
9.                  Status epilepticus:  911 for EMS administration of Diazepam
10.              Altered Mental Status:  obtain O2 saturation and fingerstick glucose
11.              Hypoglycemia:
a)     Patient awake/cooperative:  administer oral sugar-containing food or beverage
b)     Unable to take oral:
                                                        i.            Adult:  1-2 mg Glucagon IM or SC

                                                      ii.            Children:  0.025-0.1 mg/kg Glucagon IM or SC

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